Publikationen und Abschlussarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Rechnernetze

All Publications


  1. Is This Comment More Relevant? Understanding the Structural Aspects of Relevance in Comment Sections

    • Jan Steimann
    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve


    Human Interface and the Management of Information, 264--278


  1. How algorithmically curated online environments influence users’ political polarization: Results from two experiments with panel data

    • Ole Kelm
    • Tim Neumann
    • Maike Behrendt
    • Markus Brenneis
    • Katharina Gerl
    • Stefan Marschall
    • Florian Meißner
    • Stefan Harmeling
    • Gerhard Vowe
    • Marc Ziegele

    Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 100343


  1. Better Decision-Making Through Collaborative Development of Proposals

    • Björn Ebbinghaus
    • Martin Mauve

    HCI in Business, Government and Organizations, 11--23


  1. ArgVote: Which Party Argues Like Me? Exploring an Argument-Based Voting Advice Application

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve


    Intelligent Decision Technologies, 3--13

  2. How Will I Argue? A Dataset for Evaluating Recommender Systems for Argumentations

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Maike Behrendt
    • Stefan Harmeling

    Singapore and Online

    Proceedings of the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Special Interest Group on Discourse and Dialogue, 360--367

  3. How Intuitive Is It? Comparing Metrics for Attitudes in Argumentation with a Human Baseline

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve

    Artificial Intelligence in HCI, 125--138


  1. Extended Abstract - How Intuitive Is It? Comparing Metrics for Attitudes in Argumentation with a Human Baseline

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve

    HCI International 2021,

  2. Do I Argue Like Them? A Human Baseline for Comparing Attitudes in Argumentations

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve


    Proceedings of the Workshop on Advances In Argumentation In Artificial Intelligence 2020, 1--15

  3. deliberate – Online Argumentation with Collaborative Filtering

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Martin Mauve

    Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, Computational Models of Argument, 453–454

  4. How Much Do I Argue Like You? Towards a Metric on Weighted Argumentation Graphs

    • Markus Brenneis
    • Maike Behrendt
    • Stefan Harmeling
    • Martin Mauve


    Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Systems and Algorithms for Formal Argumentation (SAFA 2020), 2--13

  5. decide: Supporting Participatory Budgeting with Online Argumentation

    • Björn Ebbinghaus
    • Martin Mauve

    {Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2020}, 463–464

  6. Structure or Content? Towards Assessing Argument Relevance

    • Marc Feger
    • Jan Steimann
    • Christian Meter

    Computational Models of Argument. Proceedings of COMMA 2020, 203-214


  1. Congestion Control for Epidemic Routing in Opportunistic Networks

    • Raphael Bialon
    • Kalman Graffi

    Atlanta, USA

    The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom-2019),

  2. On the Impact of Device Characteristics on Opportunistic Network Performance

    • Raphael Bialon
    • Jan Steimann
    • Kalman Graffi

    Atlanta, USA

    The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom-2019),

  3. Improving Message Delivery in Opportunistic Networks with Fragmentation and Network Coding

    • Raphael Bialon
    • Jan Tölkes
    • Kalman Graffi

    Atlanta, USA

    The 2019 IEEE International Conference on Cyber, Physical and Social Computing (CPSCom-2019),

  4. Various Efforts of Enhancing Real World Online Discussions

    • Alexander Schneider
    • Christian Meter

    Groningen, Netherlands

    ECA 2019: Proceedings of the 3rd European Conference on Argumentation,


  1. Contact Matching and Connection Scheduling in Android-based Opportunistic Networks

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Jannik Leßenich
    • Kalman Graffi

  2. Mitigation Techniques for Software- and Network-based Threats in Android-based Opportunistic Networks

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Martin Nowak
    • Kalman Graffi

  3. An Android Wear Framework for Sensor Data and Network Interfaces

    • Bashkim Berzati
    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Chicago, USA

    IEEE International Workshop on Networks of Sensors, Wearable, and Mobile Devices (NSWMD),

  4. Dialogbasierte Online-Diskussionen

    • Christian Meter
    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Alexander Schneider

    Deutsche Verwaltungspraxis,

  5. Development of neural network based rules for confusion set disambiguation in LanguageTool

    • Markus Brenneis


    SKILL 2018 - Studierendenkonferenz Informatik, 181-192

  6. D-BAS – A Dialog-Based Online Argumentation System

    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Christian Meter
    • Gregor Betz
    • Michael Baurmann
    • Martin Mauve


    Computational Models of Argument, 325-336

  7. EDEN: Extensible Discussion Entity Network

    • Christian Meter
    • Alexander Schneider
    • Martin Mauve


    Computational Models of Argument, 257-268

  8. Jebediah – Arguing With a Social Bot

    • Christian Meter
    • Björn Ebbinghaus
    • Martin Mauve


    Computational Models of Argument, 467-468

  9. Field Experiment on the Performance of an Android-based Opportunistic Network

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Philipp Brühn
    • Kalman Graffi

    Turin, Italy

    Euro-Par 2018: Parallel Processing Workshops - Euro-Par 2018 International Workshops, 547--558

  10. Time and Space in Android-based Opportunistic Networks

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Tobias Küper
    • Kalman Graffi

    Cracow, Poland

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 1-7

  11. Optimal Replication Based on Optimal Path Hops for Opportunistic Networks

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Salem Sati
    • Kalman Graffi

    Cracow, Poland

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 1-8

  12. Mr.Tree: Multiple Realities in Tree-based Monitoring Overlays for Peer-to-Peer Networks

    • Andreas Disterhöft
    • Phillip Sandkühler
    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Silicon Valley, USA

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 1-7


  1. Compliance Management for P2P Systems

    • Alexander Schneider
    • Martin Mauve


    Proceedings of the 23rd Asia‐Pacific Conference on Communications, 0-0

  2. Dialog-Based Online Argumentation: Findings from a Field Experiment

    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Christian Meter
    • Martin Mauve


    Proceedings of the 1st Workshop on Advances in Argumentation in Artificial Intelligence, 85-99

  3. Reusable Statements in Dialog-Based Argumentation Systems

    • Alexander Schneider
    • Christian Meter


    CEUR Workshop Proceedings AI*IA Series, 0-0

  4. Device to Device Communication in Mobile Delay Tolerant Networks

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Salem Sati
    • Kalman Graffi

    Rome, Italy

    Proceedings of the International Symposium on Distributed Simulation and Real-Time Applications, 1-8

  5. A Tale of Many Networks: Splitting and Merging of Chord-like Overlays in Partitioned Networks

    • Tobias Amft
    • Kalman Graffi

  6. The Benefit of Stacking Multiple Peer-to-Peer Overlays

    • Tobias Amft
    • Kalman Graffi

  7. discuss: Embedding Dialog-Based Discussions into Websites

    • Christian Meter
    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Martin Mauve

    Vancouver, Canada

    Learning and Collaboration Technologies. Technology in Education, 449-460

  8. Measuring Visibility using Smartphones

    • Jan Friesen
    • Raphael Bialon
    • Christoph Claßen
    • Kalman Graffi

    Vienna, Austria

    19th EGU General Assembly Conference, 12869

  9. Infrastructure Mode Based Opportunistic Networks on Android Devices

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Taipei, Taiwan

    Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications, 1-8

  10. Replication Probability-based Routing Scheme for Opportunistic Networks

    • Salem Sati
    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Göttingen, Germany

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems, 1-8

  11. Tor is not enough: Coercion in Remote Electronic Voting Systems

    • Christian Meter
    • Alexander Schneider
    • Philipp Hagemeister
    • Martin Mauve, Cornell University Library,

  12. Survey on Remote Electronic Voting

    • Alexander Schneider
    • Christian Meter
    • Philipp Hagemeister, Cornell University Library,

  13. Dynamic Replication Control Strategy for Opportunistic Networks

    • Salem Sati
    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Silicon Valley, USA

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications, 1-7

  14. Moving Peers in Distributed, Location-based Peer-to-Peer Overlays

    • Tobias Amft
    • Kalman Graffi

    Silicon Valley, USA

    International Conference on Computing, Networking and Communications (ICNC), 906-911


  1. Extended Abstract - discuss: Embedding dialog-based Discussions into Websites

    • Christian Meter
    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Martin Mauve

    Vancouver, Canada

    HCI International 2017 - Social Computing for Social Change,

  2. Dialog-Based Online Argumentation

    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Gregor Betz
    • Michael Baurmann
    • Martin Mauve


    Computational Models of Argument, 33-40

  3. Misrouted Prophecy - On the Impact of Security Attacks on PRoPHET

    • Raphael Bialon
    • Kalman Graffi

    Grenoble, France

    LSDVE 2016 - 4th Workshop on Large Scale Distributed Virtual Environments,

  4. Aggregation and Map-Matching of Mobile Cellular Network Traces

    • Norbert Goebel
    • Adrian Skuballa
    • Martin Mauve
    • Kalman Graffi

  5. Coupled Simulation of Mobile Cellular Networks, Road Traffic and V2X applications using Traces

    • Norbert Goebel
    • Raphael Bialon
    • Martin Mauve
    • Kalman Graffi

    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

    IEEE ICC 2016 - Mobile and Wireless Networking Symposium (ICC'16 MWN), 2875-2881

  6. Accelerating Data Synchronization between Smartphones and Tablets using PowerFolder in IEEE 802.11 Infrastructure-based Mesh Networks

    • Kalman Graffi
    • Andre Ippisch

    Doha, Qatar

    Qatar Foundation Annual Research Conference Proceedings, 1-3

  7. Didusonet: A p2p architecture for distributed dunbar-based social networks

    • Barbara Guidi
    • Tobias Amft
    • Andrea De Salve
    • Kalman Graffi
    • Laura Ricci

    Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications (PPNA), 1177-1194

  8. The State of Simulation Tools for P2P Networks on Mobile Ad-Hoc and Opportunistic Networks

    • Ahmad Cheraghi
    • Tobias Amft
    • Salem Sati
    • Philipp Hagemeister
    • Kalman Graffi

    Waikoloa, Hawaii, USA

    25th International Conference on Computer Communication and Networks (ICCCN), 1-7

  9. Webs of Change? The Transformation of Online Social Networks and Communication Infrastructures from a Technological Point of View

    • Tobias Amft
    • Kalman Graffi

    Academia in Transformation, Arab-German Young Academy of Sciences and Humanities (AGYA), 1-11

  10. Moving Measurements: Measuring Network Characteristics of Mobile Cellular Networks on the Move

    • Norbert Goebel
    • Tobias Krauthoff
    • Martin Mauve
    • Kalman Graffi

    Computer Communications, 81-95


  1. Protected Chords in the Web: Secure P2P Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks

    • Andreas Disterhöft
    • Kalman Graffi

    Boston, USA

    Proceedings of International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, 1-5

  2. Chunked-Swarm: Divide and Conquer for Real-Time Bounds in Video Streaming

    • Christopher Probst
    • Andreas Disterhöft
    • Kalman Graffi

    St. Petersburg, Russia

    Proceedings of Internet of Things, Smart Spaces, and Next Generation Networks and Systems, 198-210

  3. A Browser-based Secure P2P Framework for Decentralized Online Social Networks

    • Andreas Disterhöft
    • Kalman Graffi

    Cottbus, Germany

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems, 2015,

  4. An Android Framework for Opportunistic Wireless Mesh Networking

    • Andre Ippisch
    • Kalman Graffi

    Cottbus, Germany

    Proceedings of the International Conference on Networked Systems, 1-2

  5. FRoDO: Friendly Routing over Dunbar-based Overlays

    • Tobias Amft
    • Barbara Guidi
    • Kalman Graffi
    • Laura Ricci

    Tampa, Florida, USA

    IEEE 40th Conference on Local Computer Networks (LCN), 356-364


  1. Merging Lanes - Fairness through Communication

    • Daniel Baselt
    • Florian Knorr
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Michael Schreckenberg
    • Martin Mauve

    Vehicular Communications, 97--104

  2. Trace-based Simulation of C2X-Communication using Cellular Networks

    • Norbert Goebel
    • Markus Koegel
    • Martin Mauve
    • Kalman Graffi

    Obergurgl, Austria

    11th Annual Conference on Wireless On-demand Network Systems and Services (WONS 2014) - Special Session on VANETs and ITS3, 108-115


  1. Modular Square Root Puzzles: Design of Non-Parallelizable and Non-Interactive Client Puzzles

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Martin Mauve

    Computers & Security, -


  1. A Detailed View on the Spatio-Temporal Information Content and the Arithmetic Coding of Discrete Trajectories

    • Markus Koegel
    • Matthias Radig
    • Erzen Hyko
    • Martin Mauve

    Mobile Networks and Applications, 373-388

  2. Analyzing Vehicle Traces to Find and Exploit Correlated Traffic Lights for Efficient Driving

    • Markus Kerper
    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Martin Mauve

    Alcal de Henares, Spain

    IV '12: Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, --

  3. Secure Client Puzzles based on Random Beacons

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Martin Mauve

    Prague, Czech Republic

    IFIP Networking 2012: Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Networking,

  4. Learning Traffic Light Phase Schedules from Velocity Profiles in the Cloud

    • Markus Kerper
    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Andreas Sasse
    • Martin Mauve

    Istanbul, Turkey

    NTMS - Mobility and Wireless Networks Track (NTMS'2012 - Mobility & Wireless Networks Track), --

  5. Reducing Traffic Jams via VANETs

    • Florian Knorr
    • Daniel Baselt
    • Michael Schreckenberg
    • Martin Mauve

    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 3490-3498


  1. On the Spatio-Temporal Information Content and Arithmetic Coding of Discrete Trajectories

    • Markus Koegel
    • Martin Mauve

    Copenhagen, Denmark

    MobiQuitous~'11: Proceedings of the 8th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services,

  2. A Top-Down Approach to Inter-Vehicle Communication

    • Daniel Baselt
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Amsterdam, The Netherlands

    VNC '11: Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IEEE Vehicular Networking Conference, 123--130

  3. Non-Parallelizable and Non-Interactive Client Puzzles from Modular Square Roots

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Martin Mauve

    Vienna, Austria

    ARES 2011: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Availability, Reliability and Security,

  4. How to Calibrate the Scores of Biased Reviewers by Quadratic Programming

    • Magnus Roos
    • Jörg Rothe
    • Björn Scheuermann

    San Francisco, CA, USA

    AAAI 2011: Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 255-260

  5. A Comparison of Vehicular Trajectory Encoding Techniques

    • Markus Koegel
    • Daniel Baselt
    • Martin Mauve
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Favignana Island, Sicily, Italy

    MedHocNet '11: Proceedings of the 10th Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, 87--94

  6. Driving More Efficiently - The Use of Inter-Vehicle Communication to Predict a Future Velocity Profile

    • Markus Kerper
    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Holger Trompeter
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Budapest, Hungary

    VTC 2011 Spring: Proceedings of the 73th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1--5

  7. Compact Vehicular Trajectory Encoding

    • Markus Koegel
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Markus Kerper
    • Martin Mauve

    Budapest, Hungary

    VTC 2011 Spring: Proceedings of the 73th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1--5

  8. Analysis of Car-to-Car Beaconing with Network Coding

    • Nasir Ali
    • Daniel Baselt
    • Hermann De Meer

    Electronic Communications of the EASST, 1--13

  9. Distributed Probabilistic Network Traffic Measurements

    • Alexander Marold
    • Peter Lieven
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Kiel, Germany

    KiVS 2011: 17. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen,

  10. Supporting Cooperative Traffic Information Systems through Street-Graph-Based Peer-to-Peer Networks

    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Benjamin Pesch
    • Martin Mauve
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Kiel, Germany

    KiVS 2011: 17. Fachtagung Kommunikation in Verteilten Systemen, 121-131

  11. Probabilistic Parallel Measurement of Network Traffic at Multiple Locations

    • Alexander Marold
    • Peter Lieven
    • Björn Scheuermann

    IEEE Network,

  12. Peer-to-Peer Data Structures for Cooperative Traffic Information Systems

    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Elsevier Pervasive and Mobile Computing, Special Issue on Vehicular Sensor Networks and Mobile Sensing over Wide-Scale Deployment Environments,


  1. Protecting User Privacy in WiFi Sharing Networks

    • Till Elsner
    • Denis Lütke-Wiesmann
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Miami, FL, USA

    ACN 2010: Proceedings of the IEEE GLOBECOM Workshop on Advances in Communications and Networks,

  2. Method for sharing wireless access points to a communications network

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Till Elsner
    • Martin Mauve

  3. Datenaggregation: Grenzen und Möglichkeiten beim Einsatz für die Car-to-X-Kommunikation

    • Björn Scheuermann

    Leipzig, Germany

    VDE-Kongress '10: Jahrestagung des Verbandes Elektrotechnik Elektronik Informationstechnik (invited contribution),

  4. Unleashing Tor, BitTorrent & Co.: How to Relieve TCP Deficiencies in Overlays

    • Daniel Marks
    • Florian Tschorsch
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Denver, CO, USA

    LCN 2010: Proceedings of the 35th IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks,

  5. Compact Vehicular Trajectory Encoding (extended version)

    • Markus Koegel
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Markus Kerper
    • Martin Mauve

  6. Offline Time Synchronization

    • Li Luo
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Munich, Germany

    OR 2010: International Conference on Operations Research,

  7. radioActive WiFi Sharing for Autonomous Peers

    • Till Elsner
    • Nhan-Tam Nguyen
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Delft, The Netherlands

    P2P 2010: Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Conference on Peer-to-Peer Computing, Demo Session,

  8. Unleashing Tor, BitTorrent & Co.: How to Relieve TCP Deficiencies in Overlays (Extended Version)

    • Daniel Marks
    • Florian Tschorsch
    • Björn Scheuermann

  9. A Probabilistic Method for Cooperative Hierarchical Aggregation of Data in VANETs

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, 518-530

  10. Brief Announcement: Complexity and Solution of the Send-Receive Correlation Problem

    • Benito Zander
    • Egon Wanke
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Zurich, Switzerland

    PODC 2010: Proceedings of the Twenty-Ninth Annual ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing,

  11. Offline Submission with RSA Time-Lock Puzzles

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Martin Mauve

    Bradford, UK

    TSP 2010: Proceedings of the Third IEEE International Symposium on Trust, Security and Privacy for Emerging Applications,

  12. Real-World Evaluation of C2X-Road Side Warning Devices

    • Markus Koegel
    • Thomas Ogilvie
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Modena, Italy

    ISWPC 2010: IEEE International Symposium on Wireless Pervasive Computing, 180--185

  13. Global Grassroots WiFi Sharing

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Till Elsner
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Sydney, Australia

    WCNC 2010: Proceedings of the IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference,

  14. High-Speed Per-Flow Traffic Measurement with Probabilistic Multiplicity Counting

    • Peter Lieven
    • Björn Scheuermann

    San Diego, CA, USA

    INFOCOM 2010: Proceedings of the 29th IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications,

  15. Least Squares Timestamp Synchronization for Local Broadcast Networks

    • Florian Jarre
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve
    • Magnus Roos
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Springer Optimization and Engineering, 107-123

  16. Information Dissemination in VANETs

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies (VANETs), 49-80

  17. VANET Convenience and Efficiency Applications

    • Martin Mauve
    • Björn Scheuermann

    Vehicular Applications and Inter-Networking Technologies (VANETs), 81--106


  1. A Witness System for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

    • Nasir Ali
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Zurich, Switzerland

    ON-MOVE 2009: Proceedings of the Third IEEE LCN Workshop on User Mobility and Vehicular Networks, Poster Track,

  2. Content Registration in VANETs - Saving Bandwidth through Node Cooperation

    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Andreas Luebke
    • Martin Mauve

    Zurich, Switzerland

    ON-MOVE 2009: Proceedings of the Third IEEE LCN Workshop on User Mobility and Vehicular Networks,

  3. A Peer-to-Peer-based Traffic Information System

    • Norbert Goebel
    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Beijing, China

    MobiCom 2009: Fifteenth ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Demo Track,

  4. Coordinated VANET Experiments - a Methodology and First Results

    • Markus Kerper
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Beijing, China

    VANET 2009: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter-Networking, 109--116

  5. PeerTIS - A Peer-to-Peer Traffic Information System

    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Markus Koegel
    • Martin Mauve

    Beijing, China

    VANET 2009: Proceedings of the Sixth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Inter-Networking, 23--32

  6. A Fundamental Scalability Criterion for Data Aggregation in VANETs

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Lochert
    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Martin Mauve

    Beijing, China

    MobiCom 2009: Proceedings of the Fifteenth ACM SIGMOBILE International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking,

  7. Who Said That? - The Send-Receive Correlation Problem in Network Log Analysis

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wolfgang Kiess

    ACM Performance Evaluation Review, 3-5

  8. Feasibility of Incremental Contract Signing

    • Michael Stini
    • Daniel Baselt
    • Martin Mauve

  9. Lightweight Detection of Node Presence in MANETs

    • Thi Minh Chau Tran
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, 1386-1399

  10. Who Said That? - The Send-Receive Correlation Problem in Network Log Analysis

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wolfgang Kiess

    Seattle, WA, USA

    MAMA 2009: Proceedings of the Eleventh ACM SIGMETRICS Workshop on Mathematical Performance Modeling and Analysis,

  11. Enabling Fair Offline Trading

    • Michael Stini
    • Martin Mauve

    Leipzig, Germany

    IWCMC 2009: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing,

  12. Counter-Flooding: DoS Protection for Public Key Handshakes in LANs

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Valencia, Spain

    ICNS 2009: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Networking and Services,

  13. On the Time Synchronization of Distributed Log Files in Networks with Local Broadcast Media

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Magnus Roos
    • Florian Jarre
    • Martin Mauve

    IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, 431--444

  14. Node Presence Detection with Reduced Overhead

    • Thi Minh Chau Tran
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Snowbird, Utah, USA

    WONS 2009: Proceedings of Sixth Annual Conference on Wireless On-Demand Network Systems and Services, 37-44

  15. Avoiding the Gridlock: Information Dissemination in Vehicular Networks

    • Christian Lochert

    Saarbrücken, Germany

  16. On the Experimental Evaluation of Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Special Issue PIK on Mobile Ad-hoc Networks,


  1. VANET Simulation Environment with Feedback Loop and its Application to Traffic Light Assistance

    • Axel Wegener
    • Horst Hellbrück
    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Andreas Luebke

    New Orleans, LA, USA

    AutoNet 2008: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications,

  2. Modular Network Trace Analysis

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Nadine Chmill
    • Ulrich Wittelsbürger
    • Martin Mauve

    Vancouver, Canada

    PE-WASUN 2008: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Wireless Ad HOct, Sensor, and Ubiquitous Networks,

  3. On the Topological Repeatability of Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Andreas Tarp
    • Martin Mauve

    Vancouver, Canada

    MSWiM 2008: Proceedings of the 11th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems,

  4. CLL: A Cryptographic Link Layer for Local Area Networks

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Amalfi, Italy

    SCN 2008: Proceedings of the 6th Conference on Security and Cryptography for Networks, 21--38

  5. Data Aggregation and Roadside Unit Placement for a VANET Traffic Information System

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Andreas Luebke
    • Martin Mauve

    San Francisco, CA, USA

    VANET 2008: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking, 58--65

  6. Wenn sich Rechner blind verstehen: Implizites Feedback in drahtlosen Multihop-Netzwerken

    • Björn Scheuermann

    Bonn, Germany

    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen 2007, 249-258

  7. Validating Wireless Congestion Control and Realiability Protocols using ProB and Rodin

    • Jens Bendisposto
    • Michael Jastram
    • Michael Leuschel
    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Ingo Weigelt

    Toronto, ON, Canada

    FMWS 2008: Workshop on Formal Methods for Wireless Systems,

  8. Scalable Data Dissemination for Inter-Vehicle-Communication: Aggregation versus Peer-to-Peer

    • Christian Lochert
    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    it -- Information Technology, 237--242

  9. The EXC Toolkit for Real-World Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Thomas Ogilvie
    • Martin Mauve

    Newport Beach, California, USA

    EXPONWIRELESS 2008: Proceeding of the 3rd Workshop on Advanced Experimental Activities on Wireless Networks and Systems,

  10. A Search Engine for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Murat Caliskan
    • Andreas Luebke
    • Martin Mauve

    Eindhoven, Netherlands

    V2VCOM 2008: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Vehicle to Vehicle Communications,

  11. Ad-Hoc-Netzwerke in der Fahrzeug-Fahrzeug-Kommunikation: Positionsbasiertes Routing in Städten

    • Christian Lochert

    Saarbrücken, Germany

  12. Offline Time Synchronization for libpcap Logs

    • Daniel Marks
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Magnus Roos
    • Martin Mauve
    • Florian Jarre

    Ulm, Germany

    WMAN-FG 2008: 1. GI/ITG KuVS Fachgespräch WMAN (Wireless Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks), 9-10

  13. Implicit Hop-by-Hop Congestion Control in Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve

    Elsevier Ad Hoc Networks, 260-286

  14. Error Bounds and Consistency of Maximum Likelihood Time Synchronization

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Magnus Roos
    • Florian Jarre
    • Martin Mauve

  15. On Real-World Experiments with Wireless Multihop Networks - Design, Realization, and Analysis

    • Wolfgang Kiess

    Saarbrücken, Germany

  16. Reading Between the Packets - Implicit Feedback in Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Björn Scheuermann

    Saarbrücken, Germany

  17. Kooperative schichtübergreifende Überlastkontrolle für mobile Ad-Hoc-Netzwerke

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve

    Karlsruhe, Germany

    Basissoftware für drahtlose Ad-Hoc- und Sensornetze, 17-32


  1. Node Control and a Charging and Accounting Approach to Ad-Hoc-Networks

    • Inna Kofman

    Düsseldorf, Germany


  2. Backpressure Multicast Congestion Control in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Matthias Transier
    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    New York, NY, USA

    CoNEXT 2007: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, 265--275

  3. Near-Optimal Co-ordinated Coding in Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wenjun Hu
    • Jon Crowcroft

    New York, NY, USA

    CoNEXT 2007: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Emerging Networking Experiments and Technologies, 97--108

  4. The Feasibility of a Search Engine for Metropolitan Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Murat Caliskan
    • Andreas Luebke
    • Martin Mauve

    Washington, DC, USA

    AutoNet 2007: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Application,

  5. Probabilistic Aggregation for Data Dissemination in VANETs

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    VANET 2007: Proceedings of the Fourth ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 1--8

  6. Challenge: Peers on Wheels - A Road to New Traffic Information Systems

    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Christian Lochert
    • Pezhman Fallahi
    • Martin Mauve

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    MobiCom 2007: Proceedings of the 13th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, 215--221

  7. Detecting the Presence of Nodes in MANETs

    • Thi Minh Chau Tran
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    CHANTS 2007: Proceedings of the ACM MobiCom Workshop on Challenged Networks, 43-50

  8. Near-Optimal Compression of Probabilistic Counting Sketches for Networking Applications

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Portland, Oregon, USA

    Dial M-POMC 2007: Proceedings of the 4th ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS International Workshop on Foundation of Mobile Computing,

  9. A Framework for Proximity Sensing and Flexible Messaging (Demo)

    • Michael Stini

    Aalborg, Denmark

    Mobile Developer Days 2007: First Annual Mobile Developer Meeting,

  10. A Hierarchical Approach to Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

    • Matthias Transier
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Springer Wireless Networks, 447--460

  11. The EXC toolkit: conducting realistic experiments with wireless multi-hop networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Thomas Ogilvie
    • Andreas Tarp
    • Martin Mauve

    San Juan, Puerto Rico

    MobiSys 2007: The 5th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services -- Demo Session,

  12. Improving System Clock Precision With NTP Offline Skew Correction

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Stephan Zalewski
    • Martin Mauve

    Corfu, Greece

    MedHocNet 2007: Proceedings of the The Sixth Annual Mediterranean Ad Hoc Networking Workshop, 159--164

  13. Filtering Spam Email Based on Retry Patterns

    • Peter Lieven
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Michael Stini
    • Martin Mauve

    Glasgow, Scotland, UK

    ICC 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Communications, 1515-1520

  14. A Survey on Congestion Control for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Wiley Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, 655-676

  15. Experimental Evaluation of UMTS and Wireless LAN for Inter-Vehicle Communication

    • Christian Wewetzer
    • Murat Caliskan
    • Klaus Meier
    • Andreas Luebke

    Sophia Antipolis, France

    ITST 2007: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 287-292

  16. Visualisierung von MANET-Simulationen - Analyse von ns-2-Tracefiles mit Huginn

    • Björn Scheuermann

    Saarbrücken, Germany

  17. Predicting Parking Lot Occupancy in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Murat Caliskan
    • Andreas Barthels
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Martin Mauve

    Dublin, Ireland

    VTC 2007 Spring: 65th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 277-281

  18. A Survey on Real-World Implementations of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Elsevier's Ad Hoc Networks, 324-339

  19. On the nature of Inter-Vehicle Communication

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Jedrzej Rybicki
    • Martin Mauve

    Bern, Switzerland

    WMAN 2007: Proceedings of the 4th Workshop on Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks, 493-502

  20. The Feasibility of Information Dissemination in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Christian Lochert
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Murat Caliskan
    • Martin Mauve

    Obergurgl, Austria

    WONS 2007: Fourth Annual Conference on Wireless On demand Network Systems and Services, 92--99

  21. Real-World Evaluation of Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Martin Mauve

    Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks from Theory to Reality, 1-22

  22. Digital Ownership for P2P Networks

    • Michael Stini
    • Martin Mauve
    • Frank H.P. Fitzek

    Mobile Phone Programming, 259-270


  1. Real-World Evaluation of Ring Flooding

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Andreas Tarp
    • Martin Mauve

    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 11--12

  2. Digital Ownership: From Content Consumers to Owners and Traders

    • Michael Stini
    • Martin Mauve
    • Frank H.P. Fitzek

    IEEE MultiMedia, 1,4-6

  3. Decentralized Discovery of Free Parking Places

    • Murat Caliskan
    • Daniel Graupner
    • Martin Mauve

    Los Angeles, CA, USA

    Proceedings of the Third ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks (VANET 2006), 30-39

  4. A Real-World Framework to Evaluate Cross-Layer Protocols for Wireless Multihop Networks

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve

    Florence, Italy

    REALMAN 2006: Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks: from theory to reality, 1--6

  5. A Cross-Layer Protocol Evaluation Framework on ESB Nodes

    • Yves Igor Jerschow
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve

    Florence, Italy

    REALMAN 2006: Proceedings of the Second ACM SIGMOBILE International Workshop on Multi-hop Ad Hoc Networks: from theory to reality -- Demo Session, 104--106


  1. Collection of Dedicated Information in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

    • Murat Caliskan
    • Martin Mauve
    • Bernd Rech
    • Andreas Luebke

    San Francisco, U.S.A.

    12th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems 2005,

  2. Position-Based Routing in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Christian Lochert
    • Dieter Vollmer
    • Dagmar Herrmann
    • Walter Franz

    Karlsruhe, Germany

    Inter-Vehicle-Communications Based on Ad Hoc Networking Principles ---The FleetNet Project, 117--143

  3. Huginn: A 3D Visualizer for Wireless ns-2 Traces

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Holger Füßler
    • Matthias Transier
    • Marcel Busse
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Montreal, Quebec, Canada

    MSWiM 2005: Proceedings of the 8th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis and Simulation of Wireless and Mobile Systems,

  4. Real-World Evaluation of Ring Flooding

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Andreas Tarp
    • Martin Mauve

    Cologne, Germany

    MobiCom 2005: The 11th Annual ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking -- Poster Session,

  5. Light-Weight Charging and Accounting in Mobile Ad-Hoc-Networks

    • Inna Kofman
    • Martin Mauve

    Cologne, Germany

    ACM SIGMOBILE MobiCom 2005 Poster Session,

  6. Multiple Simulator Interlinking Environment for Inter Vehicle Communication

    • Christian Lochert
    • Murat Caliskan
    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Andreas Barthels
    • Alfonso Cervantes
    • Martin Mauve

    Cologne, Germany

    VANET 2005: Proceedings of the Second ACM International Workshop on Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks, 87--88

  7. Visualizing Wireless ns-2 Traces in 3D (Demo)

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Holger Füßler
    • Matthias Transier
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Cologne, Germany

    MobiCom 2005: 11th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking, Demo Session,

  8. Thoughts on Mobile Ad-hoc Network Testbeds

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Stephan Zalewski
    • Andreas Tarp
    • Martin Mauve

    Santorini, Greece

    Realman 2005: Proceedings of IEEE ICPS Workshop on Multi-hop Ad hoc Networks: from theory to reality, 93-100

  9. Information Collection in Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

    • Murat Caliskan
    • Martin Mauve
    • Bernd Rech
    • Andreas Luebke

    Hannover, Germany

    5th European Congress and Exhibition on Intelligent Transportation Systems,

  10. Huginn: A 3D Visualizer for Wireless ns-2 Traces

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Holger Füßler
    • Matthias Transier
    • Marcel Busse
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Mannheim, Germany


  11. Geographic Routing in City Scenarios

    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve
    • Holger Füßler
    • Hannes Hartenstein

    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 69--72


  1. Hierarchical Location Service for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve

    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 47--58

  2. Scalable Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

    • Matthias Transier
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    San Jose, CA

    Accepted for Proc. of the First International Workshop on Broadband Wireless Multimedia: Algorithms, Architectures and Applications (BroadWim 2004),

  3. Geographic Routing in City Scenarios

    • Christian Lochert
    • Martin Mauve
    • Holger Füßler
    • Hannes Hartenstein

    Philadelphia, PA, USA

    MobiCom 2004: Proceedings of the 10th Annual International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking -- Poster Session,

  4. A Proxy Server-Network for Real-time Computer Games

    • Jens Müller
    • Stefan Fischer
    • Sergei Gorlatch
    • Martin Mauve

    In Proc. of Euro-Par 2004,

  5. Trau, SCHAU, Wem? -- V-IDS oder eine andere Sicht der Dinge

    • Björn Scheuermann
    • Andreas Lindenblatt
    • Daniela Lindenblatt
    • Benjamin Guthier

    Dortmund, Germany

    DIMVA 2004: Proceedings of the Conference on Detection of Intrusions and Malware and Vulnerability Assessment,

  6. Contention-Based Forwarding for Street Scenarios

    • Holger Füßler
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Hamburg, Germany

    Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop in Intelligent Transportation (WIT 2004), 155-160

  7. Local-lag and Timewarp: Providing Consistency for Replicated Continuous Applications

    • Martin Mauve
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Volker Hilt
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 47--57

  8. Scalable Position-Based Multicast for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks

    • Matthias Transier
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

  9. Lightweight QoS-Support for Networked Mobile Gaming

    • Marcel Busse
    • Bernd Lamparter
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    In Proc. of NetGames 2004,

  10. Recording and Playing Back Interactive Media Streams

    • Volker Hilt
    • Martin Mauve
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Accepted for publication in: IEEE Transactions on Multimedia,


  1. Contention-Based Forwarding for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Michael Käsemann
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein

    Elsevier's Ad Hoc Networks, 351-369

  2. Late Join Algorithms for Distributed Interactive Applications

    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems, 327-336

  3. Simulation Results and Proof-of-Concept Implementation of the FleetNet Position-Based Router

    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve
    • Walter Franz

    Venice, Italy

    Proc. of Eighth International Conference on Personal Wireless Communications (PWC '03), 192-197

  4. TeCo3D - Sharing Interactive and Dynamic 3D Models

    • Martin Mauve

    Kluwer Multimedia Tools and Applications, 283-304

  5. MobiHoc Poster: Position-based multicast routing for mobile Ad-hoc networks

    • Martin Mauve
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Thomas Lang

    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 53-55

  6. A Routing Strategy for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks in City Environments

    • Christian Lochert
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Jing Tian
    • Dagmar Herrmann
    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve

    Columbus, OH, USA

    IV 2003: Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, 156--161

  7. Toward computer-based cleavage site prediction of cysteine endopeptidases

    • Tobias Lohmueller
    • Daniel Wenzler
    • Sascha Hagemann
    • Wolfgang Kiess
    • Christoph Peters
    • Thomas Dandekar
    • Thomas Reinheckel

    Biological Chemistry, 899-909

  8. Poster: Position-Based Multicast Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Martin Mauve
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Thomas Lang

    Annapolis, MD

    In Proc. of ACM MobiHoc '03 (electronic edition),

  9. Priority-Based Distribution Trees for Application-Level Multicast

    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Dirk Farin
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Redwood City, CA, USA

    Proc. of NetGames 2003, 148-157

  10. Position-Based Multicast Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Martin Mauve
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Thomas Lang

  11. Beaconless Position-Based Routing for Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Michael Käsemann
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein

  12. MobiCom Poster: Location-Based Routing for Vehicular Ad-hoc Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Michael Käsemann
    • Dieter Vollmer

    ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review (MC2R), 47-49

  13. A Novel Forwarding Paradigm for Position-Based Routing (with Implicit Addressing)

    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein

    Dana Point, CA

    IEEE Computer Communications Workshop (CCW 2003), 194-200

  14. The Interactive Lecture - A new Teaching Paradigm Based on Ubiquitous Computing

    • Nicolai Scheele
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg
    • Anja Wessels
    • Holger Horz
    • Stephan Fries

    Bergen, Norway

    Poster Proceeding of the CSCL 2003, 135-137


  1. Position-Based Routing in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks

    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Holger Füßler

    Boca Raton, FL, U.S.A.

    The Handbook of Ad Hoc Wireless Networks, 12-1 - 12-14

  2. A Reactive Location Service for Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    • Michael Käsemann
    • Holger Füßler
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Martin Mauve

  3. Positionsbasiertes Routing für die Kommunikation zwischen Fahrzeugen

    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Holger Füßler
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    it + ti, 278--286

  4. Poster: Location-Based Routing for Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Michael Käsemann
    • Dieter Vollmer

    Atlanta, GA

    Proc. of ACM MobiCom '02 (electronic edition),

  5. A Comparison of Routing Strategies for Vehicular Ad Hoc Networks

    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Michael Käsemann
    • Dieter Vollmer

  6. A Generic Proxy System for Networked Computer Games

    • Martin Mauve
    • Stefan Fischer
    • Jörg Widmer


    Proc. of NetGames 2002, 25-28

  7. Analysis of a Location Service for Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    • Michael Käsemann
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve

    Ulm, Germany

    Proc. of the 1st German Workshop on Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (WMAN 2002), 121 - 133

  8. A Simulation Study of a Location Service for Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks

    • Michael Käsemann
    • Hannes Hartenstein
    • Holger Füßler
    • Martin Mauve

  9. Probabilistic Congestion Control for Non-Adaptable Flows

    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Jan Peter Damm

    Miami, FL

    12th International Workshop on Network and Operating Systems Supportfor Digital Audio and Video (NOSSDAV), 13-21

  10. Application-Aware Distribution Trees for Application-Level Multicast

    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Dirk Farin
    • Martin Mauve

    Mannheim, Germany


  1. A Survey on Position-Based Routing in Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks

    • Martin Mauve
    • Jörg Widmer
    • Hannes Hartenstein

    IEEE Network Magazine, 30-39

  2. Interactive Media on Demand: Generic Recording and Replay of Interactive Media Streams

    • Volker Hilt
    • Martin Mauve
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Ottawa, Canada

    Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2001 (Technical Demonstration), 593-594

  3. Enhancing Synchronous Distance Education with Pervasive Devices

    • Martin Mauve
    • Nicolai Scheele
    • Werner Geyer


    Proceedings of Informatik 2001 (Jahrestagung der GI und der OCG), 1117-1122

  4. Consistency Control for Distributed Interactive Media

    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Martin Mauve

    Ottawa, Canada

    Proc. of the 9th ACM Multimedia, ACM MM 2001, 221-230

  5. Verteilte interaktive Medien

    • Martin Mauve

    Ausgezeichnete Informatikdissertationen, 97-108

  6. Ubiquitous Computing in Education

    • Martin Mauve
    • Nicolai Scheele
    • Werner Geyer
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Communication and Control (COMCON8), 229-234

  7. A Survey on TCP-Friendly Congestion Control

    • Jörg Widmer
    • Robert Denda
    • Martin Mauve

    Special Issue of the IEEE Network Magazine "Control of Best Effort Traffic", 28-37

  8. Probabilistic Congestion Control for Non-Adaptable Flows

    • Jörg Widmer
    • Martin Mauve
    • Jan Peter Damm

    Mannheim, Germany

  9. RTP/I - Toward a Common Application Level Protocol for Distributed Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 152-161

  10. A Survey on TCP-Friendly Congestion Control (extended version)

    • Jörg Widmer
    • Robert Denda
    • Martin Mauve

    Mannheim, Germany


  11. A Light-Weight Repair Protocol for the Loss-Free Recording of MBone Sessions.

    • Volker Hilt
    • Martin Mauve
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Phoenix, USA

    IEEE Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS'01), WARGC Workshop, 63-68


  1. Consistency in Replicated Continuous Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve

    Philadelphia, PA, USA

    Proc. of the ACM Conference on Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) 2000, 181-190

  2. A Generic Late Join Service for Distributed Interactive Media

    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Martin Mauve
    • Werner Geyer
    • Volker Hilt
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch

    Los Angeles, USA

    Proc. of the 8th ACM Multimedia, ACM MM 2000, 259-268

  3. How to Keep a Dead Man from Shooting

    • Martin Mauve

    Enschede, The Netherlands

    Proc. of the 7th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS) 2000, 199-204

  4. An Efficient and Flexible Late Join Algorithm for Shared Whiteboards

    • Werner Geyer
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Martin Mauve

    Antibes, France

    Proc. of the Fifth IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications, ISCC'2000, 404-409

  5. An Application Developer's Perspective on Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt

    ACM Computer Communication Review, 28-38

  6. RTP/I: An Application Level Real-Time Protocol for Distributed Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Werner Geyer
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

  7. xCDM - Ein interaktives Werkzeug zur graphenbasierten Systemmodellierung.

    • Wolfgang Boßung
    • Sorin A. Huss
    • Michael Stini

    Frankfurt/Main, Germany

    Workshop Methoden und Beschreibungssprachen zur Modellierung und Verifikation von Schaltungen und Systemen,

  8. Efficient State Initialization Mechanisms for Shared Whiteboards and Distributed Applications

    • Werner Geyer
    • Jörgen Vogel
    • Martin Mauve



  1. Integrating Support for Collaboration-unaware VRML Models into Cooperative Applications

    • Werner Geyer
    • Martin Mauve

    Florence, Italy

    Proc. of IEEE Multimedia Systems (ICMS) '99, 655-660

  2. A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Transmission of Interactive Media with Real-Time Characteristics

    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Florence, Italy

    Proc. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems (ICMCS'99), 641-646

  3. Transparent Access to and Encoding of VRML State Information

    • Martin Mauve

    Paderborn, Germany

    Proc. of the Fourth Symposium on the Virtual Reality Modeling Language (VRML) '99, 29-38

  4. TeCo3D: a 3D telecooperation based on VRML and Java

    • Martin Mauve

    San Jose, CA, USA

    Proc. of Multimedia Computing and Networking (MMCN) '99, 240 - 251

  5. A Generic Scheme for the Recording of Interactive Media Streams

    • Volker Hilt
    • Martin Mauve
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg

    Toulouse, France

    Proc. International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services 1999 (IDMS'99), 291-304

  6. Consistency in Continuous Distributed Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve



  1. A General Framework and Communication Protocol for the Real-Time Transmission of Interactive Media

    • Martin Mauve
    • Volker Hilt
    • Christoph Kuhmünsch
    • Wolfgang Effelsberg


  2. Access to and Encoding of VRML State Information

    • Martin Mauve



  1. Experimentelle Arbeitsblätter

    • Martin Mauve
    • Reinhard Mauve

    Praxis der Mathematik, 215-220