Analyzing Vehicle Traces to Find and Exploit Correlated Traffic Lights for Efficient Driving
Alcal de Henares, Spain
IV '12: Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, --
Publikationen und Abschlussarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Rechnernetze
Alcal de Henares, Spain
IV '12: Proceedings of the IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium, --
Istanbul, Turkey
NTMS - Mobility and Wireless Networks Track (NTMS'2012 - Mobility & Wireless Networks Track), --
Budapest, Hungary
VTC 2011 Spring: Proceedings of the 73th IEEE Vehicular Technology Conference, 1--5
Zurich, Switzerland
ON-MOVE 2009: Proceedings of the Third IEEE LCN Workshop on User Mobility and Vehicular Networks,
New Orleans, LA, USA
AutoNet 2008: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Applications,
San Francisco, CA, USA
VANET 2008: Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Workshop on VehiculAr Inter-NETworking, 58--65
Eindhoven, Netherlands
V2VCOM 2008: Proceedings of the 4th IEEE Workshop on Vehicle to Vehicle Communications,
Washington, DC, USA
AutoNet 2007: Proceedings of the 2nd IEEE Workshop on Automotive Networking and Application,
Sophia Antipolis, France
ITST 2007: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on ITS Telecommunications, 287-292