Publikationen und Abschlussarbeiten am Lehrstuhl für Rechnernetze

ArgVote: Which Party Argues Like Me? Exploring an Argument-Based Voting Advice Application

Title ArgVote: Which Party Argues Like Me? Exploring an Argument-Based Voting Advice Application
Published In Proceedings,
Published in Intelligent Decision Technologies
Abstract A lof of people use voting advice applications (VAAs) as a decision-making tool to assist them in deciding which political party to vote for in an election. We think that arguments for/against political positions also play an important role in this decision process, but they are not considered in classical VAAs. Therefore, we introduce a new kind of VAA, ArgVote, which considers opinions on arguments when calculating voter--party similarity. We present the results of an empirical study comprising two groups who used ArgVote with and without arguments. Our results indicate that arguments improve the understanding of political issues and different opinions, and that people enjoy the interaction with arguments. On the other hand, the matching algorithm which considers arguments was not better, and user interface improvements are needed. The user profiles we collected are provided to assist further research.
DOI 10.1007/978-981-16-2765-1_1
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